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Flee From a Wrong Flight (John 16:32-33)
작성자 요삼일육선교회 등록일 2018-07-10
John 16:32-33
32. “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
33. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Flee From A Wrong Flight (John 16:32-33)
 < Flee From A Wrong Flight >
  Humans tend to flee to hide their defeat when they feel their incapability. Then a new problem arises and the situation becomes more difficult. They sometimes make a conscious flee even when they know what would come next, but most of the time, they flee unconsciously. There are a few kinds of a wrong flight.
  First, it is the flight into a daydream. When one is hurt in a harsh reality, he is strongly tempted to flee from the reality and unconsciously goes into a fictional world and consumes his spiritual strength. In this world, he is a hero and a victor, and able to redeem the defeat in the real world. He is understood by people and receives respect. Such daydream is of no use solving the problem; it only brings on spiritual fatigue rather than rest. Furthermore, it closes you off to the real world. More you daydream, more the reality loses its meaning. Eventually, you will lose the ability to accept reality.
  Second, it is the flight into the past. Some people do not even try to fix a problem just looking back on their golden days. Moreover, looking back on the errors or sorrows of the past is also another way of flight. It is a wrong flight to enjoy a perverse pleasure scrutinizing the wrongs of the past as much as scrutinizing the good days of the past. Such flight interrupts your progress and weakens the capability to overcome or fix problems. A faith is not essentially for the past. Be interested in ‘how you will live’ more than ‘how you lived.’
  Third, it is the flight into the future. Looking toward the future and fleeing toward the future are different. Mapping out a future without the sweat of the present is another type of flight which is similar to the flight into a daydream. Accompanying God with a dream and vision means living in reality which is allowed by Him. You may have a hope for the future but be faithful to the present. What He wants of us is to live with all of our hearts. Just like the past, the future will be handled by God.
  Fourth, it is the flight into illness. When one encounters a great problem, he comes to have a psychology of flight into an illness. As he falls sick, he can receive more love and attention from his family. He can also make an excuse for what he has been doing. Many times unspecific headache, neuropathy, and digestive disorder are the results of such psychology. When someone is sick for no reason, do not yell at him, “It’s a tricky illness!” He might be plunged into the imaginary world of illness. Think about how difficult his life was and help him to get out of such wrong flight and embrace him with understanding and love.
  Fifth, it is the flight to work. This flight sometimes brings a good result for a short time. In fact, a lot of masterpieces are completed by the flight. For example, many people are obsessed with their work to forget the failure of the family. And they wind up with a great achievement. One artist says that his happiness begins as he leaves home for his studio but it ends as he locks the studio door and heads to home. Likewise, many laboratories and studios have become a gateway for many people to flee from reality. This kind of flight is ultimately not good for the soul. If you flee into a work and make a remarkable achievement, there’s a high possibility that it may be ‘emptiness after accomplishment.’
  Sixth, it is the flight into religion. Among the flights listed, this one seems most plausible. But in fact, it is the most undesirable one. Unfortunately, there are some churches and prayer centers that have been completely isolated from the world and have played a role of a refuge. Those communities make themselves as an isolated island and severely criticize existing churches or religious traditions. Such fleeing communities mostly aim for a life separated from the family rather than aiming for the healthy family life. Especially, heresies and cults use the psychology of flight to build a wall between people and their families or the world. And they make them spiritual slaves to extort their wealth.
  It isn’t right to cause or neglect family troubles. Don’t ignore the fact that a family is a small church or accept no responsibility, using only a fragment of the Scriptures. A Religious flight is Satan’s most effective strategy to corrupt families and souls. Believers, who have a tendency to flee, avoid to encounter with the reality in order not to be hurt but to enjoy vain pleasures. Eventually, they leave the way to true freedom and truth. Flee from a wrong flight. One of the greatest spirituality is the communal spirituality shining the light of truth in the world.
ⓒ Pastor Lee Hangyu http://www.john316.or.kr
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